Created by new1show

Whatsapp : You will have 7 minutes to delete a message sent by mistake

The instant messaging application will take advantage of the update that will remove the message that was erroneously sent to the wrong person or to the wrong newsgroup. Breathing, you are saved.

I received a very quick message, incomplete, wrong person, wrong group or something worse with words suggested by smartphone assistants that are sometimes fun ... This is the situation that everyone has experienced. But the good news for billions of users of Wattab, the instant messaging application (purchased by Facebook in 2014 for $ 19 billion) will provide (very?) Soon the possibility to delete the message sent in error.

You may think that the code of the delete message has been long in the application. However, this function only deleted the message at the expense of the person who sent it. Other discussion groups or members of a discussion group can always see them. With this update, which is currently being deployed (and we have not yet received it on the smartphones we have), it is now possible to remove and make it accessible to everyone. Of course, those who read it quickly will be able to see what was originally written, but others do not know. Once deleted, there will only be a notification that the message has been deleted.

However, there are two conditions for using this function. The first is the most important. It is only possible to delete a message within 7 minutes of sending. Beyond that, there is no solution, it will be necessary to suppose.
Second, the least restrictive in our opinion, all stakeholders should have the latest version of Wattab. Except for the incompatibility with the smartphone, it is not clear why the user will not update the application.
Whatsapp : You will have 7 minutes to delete a message sent by mistake Whatsapp : You will have 7 minutes to delete a message sent by mistake Reviewed by New1Show on Sunday, October 29, 2017 Rating: 5

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